1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley, CA 94709, 510.848.0237

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Arkady Gendler CD now available, ONLY from the Jewish Music Festival

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2010 Festival Survey

Your feedback is crucial to our success. The foundations that support us want to know who you are and we want to know how to make the JMF reach its potential. Thank you for your time and comments!


Did you attend… (check all that apply)

1. Are you:

2 . Your age:

3 . Where do you live?

4 . Did you use public transportation to get to the Yerba Buena Gardens?

5 . What is your household income (optional, but helpful for advertisers.)

6 . How many Jewish Music Festival events have you previously attended including today?

7 . How did you hear about this event? (Please check all that apply.)

8. Do you identify as Jewish?

8a. If yes, to which of the following do you currently belong? (Please check all that apply)

9. Do you play an instrument?

10 .Did you attend a workshop?



13. Would you like to receive a monthly enewsletter about Jewish music events in the Bay Area?

*The following are required (even if you do not want our enewsletter):
