Jewish Music Festival events around the Bay Area

The BREW: A monthly Music Series Co-Sponsored by the Jewish Music Festival

The JCC of the East Bay presents: The Golden Melody Band and the pickPocket Ensemble

The Golden Melody Band is a virtuosic acoustic ensemble featuring Dina Maccabee (violin), Rob Reich (accordion), Yair Evnine (guitar and cello), and Seth Ford Young (bass). They play intricate, hard-edged arrangements of rare gems, finding common ground between classical and folk music. Their repertoire springs from a variety of sources ranging from Chopin and Satie to the Beatles, ragtime, and traditional klezmer.

The “pickPocket Ensemble echoes Parisian cafe music, Gypsy jigs, and ragtime shuffles with an infectious musical intimacy that turns living rooms and clubs alike into a grotto or oasis.” – East Bay Express

Buy tickets NOW!

At the JCC of the East Bay
1414 Walnut Street, Berkeley
Saturday, August 18, 9:00pm
$8 members, $10 general public


© 2007 Jewish Music Festival
1414 Walnut St
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 848-0237
Arkady Gendler CD now available, ONLY from the Jewish Music Festival
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  • Major Sponsors

The Jewish Music Festival is a program of the
Jewish Community Center of the East Bay (JCCEB)